At Blackollar, we want you to stay informed about your order every step of the way. Here’s how you can track your order:
1. Track via Email
- Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number and a link to track your shipment.
- Click on the tracking link provided in the email to view real-time updates on the status of your delivery.
2. Contact Us
- If you have any issues with tracking your order or need further assistance, please contact our customer service team at or call us at +91 9460478535.
- Our team will be happy to provide you with updates on your order and help resolve any tracking issues.
Important Information
- Tracking information may not be immediately available after dispatch. Please allow a few hours for the tracking details to be updated.
- Delivery times may vary based on your location and other factors. Check the courier’s website for the most accurate delivery estimates.
Thank you for shopping with Blackollar! We are committed to ensuring your order reaches you promptly and keeping you updated throughout the delivery process.